Thursday, 22 January 2009

Day 17 - Excrement Catapult [kills millions]


Why is it that humans are programmed to be infactuted with things that expel excrement.

Why is it that no matter how many times you utter "no hablo espanol" most people seem to forget within a minute or two.

And why is it that people assume you have a choice to learn the language or not when in my situation.

And on that topic, I'll expand a bit. Almost every person I know keeps telling me to learn spanish quickly! Everytime someone says that to me, I wonder, what is it inside them that makes them thing I'm not trying to? I've been here for two weeks, and they assume I should already speak spanish? Crazy!

So anyway, it's been an up and down week. Again, but that's how it is here, take each day/hour/minute as it comes. School is the most boring thing I've had to go through, ever. So I just sit there listen to much or read my spanish dictionary. Despite it being so boring, it really sucks the energy out of you, realllly.

So I'm missing Australia a lot, and not specifically anything, or anyone, but just familiarity, being somewhere I feel comfortable, somewhere I know the customs and the norm. That's homesickness and culture shock at work. And at the moment, I'd love nothing more than to go home. But, I can't be that weak. People have faced things far worse than this. The worst part about this however is that there is no direction. I have no direction, I'm not working towards anything, there is nothing for me to concentrate on except communication. And that makes it hard, no specific goal but to 'assimilate' I suppose.

But what ever, I'll just have to...yeah, what ever! Take it all in my stride.

Eliot OUT.

1 comment:

James Wise said...

I know how you feel man. Was largely the same for me, and even though the language is the same, the way people mean things and stuff is different. Must be extra hard for ya. The first few months are always the hardest, but by around 6 months you will feel really at home.

Good luck mate,