Saturday, 21 March 2009

Training Update

Ello all,

Been doing a lot of Parkour training recently with my host brother, he is getting into it which is good, forces me to train more!

Today went out, been working reallllly hard on my landings, and they ahve improved amazingly, much much better, more accurate, softer, more control. Way better. Also been doing a fair bit of tree climbing which is fun, and working on my rolls, so thats all good. Want to concentrate more on my climbups though, they are well shit.

So anyway, been training parkour at least three days a week for at least an hour, hour and a half.

Today went out and was approached by one guy who asked if we were doing Parkour, and hey presto I am back to teaching! Taking him out tomorrow morning for a relaxed session, teach the basics to him, but he seems really keen, and is into the real parkour, not the flips. Which is really refreshing to hear and see.
Really good for me as well because it means more practice to get qualified as an instructor when I get home. Also it means I will get out training more if I know I am meeting someone, more incentive to keep pushing. And I'll get us doing some hardcore conditioning drills as well.

I'm excited about the possiblities arising!

If I can do one thing in this country, and that thing is to set up a new Parkour community that understands the true Parkour. Then every time I have felt home sick, every time I have missed my family, or my girlfriend, every time I have felt pain or sadness here, it will all be WELL worth it.

Anyway, enough written wanking.
Afterwards we went to work on our climbups...or atleast I did a few, they sat down, one had a smoke (lol), anyway, me and this other guy started having a bit of fun fighting. The guy isnt the best fighter, he thinks he is way better than he actually is, which is where he fails badly, trys stuff he really shouldnt (like back spinning kicks lolollol), so we started fighting, pretty hardcore at some times, I took a fair amount of hits, but none of them were strong, none of them made me think twice about them. This was either because I managed to either block or move with them enough to stop the full impact, or the guy just isnt strong and has no power behind them...

I didnt get that many hits on him, but when I did, I hit him hard, got a few good kicks in there, few good punches, unfortunately all my punches to the head were pretty bad. But I learnt a lot, I repeatedly kicked him in the shins and thighs a lot (something I learnt from watching Muy Thai, Thai kick boxing) while we werent in a scuffle, wore him down, it really pissed him off and yet he never learned!
I am slowley getting rid of my bad taekwondo habits, Im getting in there, closer, using my hands more. But the main thing I learnt today, is that I have to take more risks, I am too scared of getting hit, which restricts me. I don't move in, so I can't get close enough for a hit to the head. I've got to get rid of that fear, but I have to remember to pick my entrances, go at the right time.

Anyway, I learnt a lot, I tried a lot of different techniques, different methods, found many very useful.

One thing that was nice, is I was constantly dodging his hits without even thinking about it, I don't know whether this was just luck, or whether it was me...But I hope it was me! He had a lot of big hooks, big and slow! They were easy to dodge. I was using mainly straight punches, the technique I learned from reading a little bit about Wushu theory and methods from an interesting man.

Anyway, I'm done. Looking forward to training this guy tomorrow.
Chao chamos!

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