Sunday, 30 November 2008


Sydney trip was epic.

I'm fucked.

Just got home.

Have to get up at 6.30 to drive to coast tomorrow.


Thursday, 27 November 2008

This is an update!

Hi there!

Training this arvo, want to go now but I have to pick up a friend in 10 minutes.

This is an update!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

It's Interesting...

How as soon as it seems life is coming together, a spanner is thrown into the works and a new adventure is to be had. A new direction to take. This is not, however, a bad thing. Not at all, the base of life experience is through adventure, and through the unexpected. As long as love is remembered, as long as love is kept close to the heart.

The prvious post 'ponies' was actually made yesterday, but it didn't post up, so it has been reposted tonight. I DID end up going for the swim, my fitness has improved quite a lot and I saw a lot of difference between the last time I went for swim training. Which is good. CV System FTW. I'd like to make swimming a regular thing, it's great fun, and gives my joints a rest from parkour and running.

Anyway, I'm off to Sydney tomorrow, I wanna get a small amount of training done around Hornsby, but I probably wont get to. We will see.

Eliot out.


Had a lot of this happening recently, went to the coast, had a needle full of rabies jabbed into me, been called to sydney, finished up all my studies (only one last test on monday on nutrition) and loads more stuff. However much more is still to come, tomorrow I get yellow fever, next wednesday more rabies, I go to sydney saturday, sydney again the weekend after, then the coast, then finally venezuela!

In terms of training I've been doing a lot more non-urban parkour training, a lot more running, sprints through natural areas, rivier banks and such. But I did go out training in belco today with Isaac and Max, it was good, did lots of stuff, my rolls are nice and painless on conceret now which is a huge step forward for me! However I have been neglecting one side recently, so I will begin training it more.

I'm looking at a lot of cross training stuff now, I've been running 3.5 kms around the mountain more recently, it should be a frequent thing hopefully. I'd like to include swimming as well, I'm going to try to get to the pool tomorrow, but it depends on how my yellow fever immunisation goes.

I'm still trying to tackle nutrition, but taking it one step at a time, starting with breakfast.

Bye for now.

Thursday, 13 November 2008


Been reading up on nutrition.

There are just some notes, more for me than for you guys.

"For many, the idea of managing one's diet to maximise physical performance is just that - an idea. There are plenty of people who talk about the need to eat healthy, to keep hydrated, to avoid junkfood...and then ignore their own advice as soon as it becomes inconvenient to take it. This is the sign of someone who either does not train properly or is destined for a short and injury laden career. Not Good" Dan Edwards - "Eat and Run"

- Mixing too many carbs and too much protein in a single meal can make you feel overly full due to the body's inability to digest it at the same time


- Essential to have a good amount for muscle development
- Approx. 1gm per KG of body weight
- Turkey/fish/chicken
- Beef is good but too much red meat can be bad (cholesterol) - eat with garlic
- Beef also contains elements for healthy joints (? need backup for this)


- Glycogen is a carb. Glycogen is used for prolonged exercise
- Glycogen stores mainly in the lived and muscle tissue
- Restore glycogen stores immediately after exercise or after waking up
- Sources: Pasta, Oats (porridge), brown rice
- Oats and rice also remove toxins (need backup)
- Sources: Fruit, beans, lentils, pulses (legumes such as chickpeas)
- Pulses are better (low salt+sugar and easier for body to breakdown
- Chickpeas = awesome
- Chickpea make up roughly 23% protein, 64% carbs, 5% fat, 6% fiber + other stuff
-Beans, lentils, pulses = low GI

- Cheese, milk
- Fatty acids for joint mobility, brain and eye function


Cod Liver Oil


- Seeds (pumpkin + sunflower) for fatty acids omega 3 + 6, protein and minerals.
- dried fruit for carbs
- *****Goji Berries***** Awesome Antioxidants (about 10 will be sweeeet)
- Fresh fruit (esp. bananas, oranges, apples)


Drink water.
and drink lots of it.


Hand full of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried apricots and a spoonful of peanut butter
Glass of water while preparing
Glass of fresh juice as you eat

Juice: 0.5 cup of milk, spoon of yogurt, handful of frozen strawberries, 1 passion fruit, 1 or 2 teaspoons of wheatgerm, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mid-Morning Snack
Unsalted Nuts
Fresh or dried fruit

Chicken/turkey/fish with/in salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives, etc)

Mid-Afternoon Snack
Fruit and nuts again,
If training add some protein, chicken and rice perhaps.

Carbs + Protein
Tuna Jacket potatoes or;
Tuna bake (pasta dish) or;
Beef Curry and rice.

- Porridge with banana, seeds, etc.
- Chick pea salad/dish
- Baked Beans + seeds
- Rice/pasta dish
- Low GI fruit such as apple, banana, dried apricot, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries, kiwifruit (these need checking)
- Fresh Fruit juice (like above)
- Muesli + banana/Low GI fruit

- Chicken/Turkey and salad
- Chicken/turkey sandwich
- Sushi
- Grilled/raw fish + salad
- Seeds + fruit
- Chicken Pasta

(dependant on training)
- Beef/turkey/chicken/fish + pasta
- Tuna bake
- Fish + potato
- Steamed veggies + beef (or other meat)
- Chickpea salad + chicken/fish

Information from;

Dan Edwards, "Eat and Run", Parkour Generations,

"GI Value of Fruit",

and various other sources I didn't take note of.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Natural training

Me and Conan went out training today at Coppins Crossing for some natural stuff.

It was Very very very epic fun. Did some sprints through the bramble-covered, rocky, thick, bush. Excellent for keeping mental focus while running, really worked my ankles as well. So we did those for a while and found our way to the water where we did some precisions and what have you. We found a good cat precision on a dead tree which was fun. Ummm, did some more bush sprints, found our way to my usual sprint, did that, then I went straight from the run into the free-climb. Once we got up to the top, we sat and admired the view, talked, rested.
We headed back down and jogged back a bit slower. I went swimming briefly in my trackies...Water was nice. We headed back to the car and that was it! All up about a solid hour and a half of training.

I really feel that my natural stuff is looking good, I'm getting really agile, very fast through the unpredictable surfaces, and I'm starting to be able to correct my courses or stop very quickly if I need to. I reallly enjoy training out there, it's very different to the city.

In other news I have quit as a Parkour instructor for several reasons,
1. The people I am teaching at class aren't commited to it and don't really care if they get good or not
2. I can spend my time better training than wasting it on people who aren't going to try to progress
3. The few people that DO want to learn, Adam, Justin, Larkin, etc. come to other trainings anyway, I've taught more commited people at the casual sessions than I ever have at classes.

Up until now my stance has been that although I don't enjoy instructing, I have an obligation to help spread the correct teaching of Parkour. I now realise that the 'correct teaching of Parkour' is not through a structured class.

In my opinion, the use of Parkour is just an added bonus to much of our training, but the trianing its self trains so much more, general movement, confidence, self discipline, it teaches you about yourself in so many ways, these things are far more valuable than the Parkour its self. All classes do is cut out all that and focus on just the Parkour. But without the other elements, you will never progress.

- That reads like a dogs breakfast, but I hope you understand what I mean by all that.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Report back

Well I said I'd do it, and I did. It was well good! Bush sprints inclidung hurdling, vaulting, swinging. It's good fun, I loev bush sprints, except around here there are so many blackberry bushes you've gotta be careful because they hurt like hell. I went for a short swim also, but that doesn't really count as training. Did some free climbing too.

All up I was out for about 1.5 hours, good session. But I was so tired I'm not sure it was worth it, I was exhausted for the rest of the day. But it's all good now!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Well, it's 11.39pm, I've just worked the busiest shift I've ever done, we made more than 3 times the normal amount and I am absolutely exhausted. I was out all day from 8 oclock. And I've decided to test my mental strength tomorrow.

I'm going to get up at 6am, leave the house by 6.30, drive out to the river, do some natural training through the bush; sprints, swimming, climbing, etc. And train until when ever, when i'm tired I suppose.

If I do this, I'll feel great, I will know my mental strength isn't as bad as I feel. If I don't, I'll feel like shit for the rest of the day and be very unhappy with myself, punishment will include a 5 minute plank and at least one lap of the mountain I live on, including hill sprints to the top.

Hopefully this post will be added incentive, because tomorrow I want to report back that I got up and did what I decided to do.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

I'm not sure what I want to write, but I know I want to write something.

I've had many ideas floating around my head recently, none have really formed concepts yet though. The only thing I am now certain of is that fear is irrelevant, unnecessary and useless in all situations, and one should try and rid it from their lives, and especially from their parkour training.

We trained today, was good, I ran first timers, had 6 new guys, it was good fun teaching them. I'm learning a lot about myself through teaching. Some things I like, somethings I'm not sure I'm comfortable with yet. Found a few things I want to have a try of in trees around Glebe, although I'm scared to try them, and it's holding me back from things I know I can do. The trees there are so darn awesome, we don't give Glebe any credit, but it's actually not that bad for climbing.

Anyway, time to go. Ciao.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

So far...

My journeys through life so far have been short, and sweet, and it is only now that I am starting to understand the world I live in, the environment I live in. Soon that will change.
It is life experiences which shape how you think, and your career aspirations. Not the time spent in a classroom, but the time spent learning first hand in the world.

So far my travels have taken me up and down the east coast of Australia, I've travelled to Melbourne and Sydney to train Parkour, and it is the people, not the places, that have made it all worth experiencing. It is people that make life worth living, and a traveller keep travelling.

But soon I will be cast out of my sweet little basket of comfort. Soon I will begin the cultural, spiritual, and personal journey of a lifetime. For 12 months I will be without my Family, without my friends, without my home, dog, food, habits, language, culture, everything will be different, and I'm not sure I am ready for it yet, but we will see.

Because in a little over 12 months I will be travelling to a country I know very little of, a language of which I do not speak, and to a culture which is not of my own. In a little over two months I will be living in Venezuela, for 12 months.

"Go to a cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down"

In 2 months time, my travels begin.

The Memoirs

This is the site of my new blog.

No longer is it just for the recordings of my trainings, but also my thoughts, ideas, philosophies, rambling, travel diaries and the growth in my mind. . . and no, the growth isn't a tumor.

For all previous blog entries click here

Enjoy my Memoirs of a Vago