Sunday, 2 November 2008

I'm not sure what I want to write, but I know I want to write something.

I've had many ideas floating around my head recently, none have really formed concepts yet though. The only thing I am now certain of is that fear is irrelevant, unnecessary and useless in all situations, and one should try and rid it from their lives, and especially from their parkour training.

We trained today, was good, I ran first timers, had 6 new guys, it was good fun teaching them. I'm learning a lot about myself through teaching. Some things I like, somethings I'm not sure I'm comfortable with yet. Found a few things I want to have a try of in trees around Glebe, although I'm scared to try them, and it's holding me back from things I know I can do. The trees there are so darn awesome, we don't give Glebe any credit, but it's actually not that bad for climbing.

Anyway, time to go. Ciao.

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