Saturday 22 November 2008

It's Interesting...

How as soon as it seems life is coming together, a spanner is thrown into the works and a new adventure is to be had. A new direction to take. This is not, however, a bad thing. Not at all, the base of life experience is through adventure, and through the unexpected. As long as love is remembered, as long as love is kept close to the heart.

The prvious post 'ponies' was actually made yesterday, but it didn't post up, so it has been reposted tonight. I DID end up going for the swim, my fitness has improved quite a lot and I saw a lot of difference between the last time I went for swim training. Which is good. CV System FTW. I'd like to make swimming a regular thing, it's great fun, and gives my joints a rest from parkour and running.

Anyway, I'm off to Sydney tomorrow, I wanna get a small amount of training done around Hornsby, but I probably wont get to. We will see.

Eliot out.

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